Hurray, we’re now connected to Fibre Broadband 🙂 having had the connection delayed due to Covid-19 lockdown. What a difference it makes not having to watch the circle whirling around.
Other additions to the farm include another broody hen hatching another seven chicks and we have just purchased a peacock, Pedro and a two peahens. Pedro is quite stunning with his tail feathers on display (see photo at bottom of post)

Chick July 2020
There’s still a lot happening here; Antony continues to chop and split the trees he felled the winter before, last ready to sell as seasoned logs when the weather changes and I’m busy picking goosebrries, redcurrants, blackcurrants & raspberries in the fruit garden, followed by lots of sorting, freezing and jam making. The fruit all seems to ripen at once, thank goodness I have a little helper!

Felted Jacob sheepskin rug next to wood burner
I’m also spending time updating the website adding some of the lovely items available to purchase, which can be sent by post within the UK;Â Jacob wool items; throws, cushions, hand knitted hats & new this year unique vegetarian Jacob sheepskin rugs, made from the fleeces of our ewes.
I’ve also had my paints out again and have some prints and cards of my water colour paintings available to purchase. Cards £2.50 each (including envelope & wrap) or 5 for £10 and mounted A4 prints £25 each. (Jacob sheep, wool card £4.50 each)

Card of West Buckland School

Springer Spaniel – Print of acrylic painting by Jackie

Jacob sheep card
We’re already taking B&B bookings for 2021 and have extended our offer of a free copy of the book ‘Huxtable the Story of a Devon Farm’ to all bookings for next year, celebrating Huxtable Farmhouse being 500 years old! Next year could be busy so you may wish to provisionally book ahead.
Until we see you again, take care, stay safe & healthy, with warm wiahes Jackie, Antony & Bella, the dog 🙂

Peacock Pedro

Chicks July 2020