January is a time for me to explore some other crafts – painting and photography – Here’s a few Crystal Ball photographs from around the farm and a couple of water colour paintings of friends house – Enjoy;

Crystal Ball photo at Huxtable Farm

Crystal Ball photo at Huxtable Farm

Crystal Ball photo at Huxtable Farm

Crystal Ball photo at Huxtable Farm

Water colour painting of local house

Water colour painting of local house
If you are a photographer or artist you are welcome to practice your skills at Huxtable Farm B&B whilst staying here, find a quiet area on the farm and experiment – woodland, pond, stream with waterfall, with a variety of wildlife, pasture with sheep, hens and panoramic views of Devon, including a picturesque valley! Check out available B&B dates here
Please click on this link (2019 events dates) for some events to look forward to whilst staying at Huxtable Farm B&B and here for things you can do for free such as ;- Witness our small flock of Jacob ewes lambing during the weeks of April. Easter is on the 21st April; look forward to Easter Egg hunts at all the attractions in the area; Quince Honey Farm opening in April at it’s new larger site, The Big Sheep, The Milky Way, NT Arlington Court, RHS Rosemoor, Hartland Abbey and find the Easter chicks at Clovelly!
Other dates to remember: 31st March Mother Day, 21st April Easter Day & Bank Holidays 6th & 27th May. 16th June – Fathers Day and Summer Bank Holiday 26th August.
Already the snowdrops are emerging and a few primroses, Devon’s flower, are bringing some colour to this cooler month.
Huxtable Farm Bed and Breakfast Accommodation, West Buckland, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 0SR